Sunday, March 6, 2011

Bests (and Worsts) of 2010: Movies

Heyyyyyyyy everyone!

In keeping with this trend of actually blogging, I'm blogging. I don't know if I'll go blog crazy like I did before switching jobs, but I'm gonna blog whenever possible. Blog. Also, I've forgotten how to write. Slash blog. Blog again. Blog. Ok, I'll stop now.

Anyhizzle, I never did 2010 justice with any "best of" lists, so I'm going to try and do that here. I'll also throw in some "worsts" just for comedic value. Let's do this.

Best Movies of 2010

Before I get cracking, I'm going to say that a few of you might have seen an earlier version of this list. However, since I am indecisive, you'll note that this list is different. Consider this the final version.

10. Easy A

Sure, some of the running jokes get a little tired. But Emma Stone is a pocketful of sunshine here (if you've seen the movie, what I wrote is really clever. Like Aaron Sorkin clever) and I was entertained. I'll take a B+ attempt at Clueless/Mean Girls glory over a pretentious arthouse flick any day of the week.

9. The Ghost Writer

Roman Polanski is a creep-ball. But this movie is good enough that I'd pardon him for his crime. Well, maybe not for statutory rape, but I'd pardon him for like arson or something.

8. True Grit

Hailee Steinfeld is a pistol in this movie and holds her own against Jeff Bridges and Matt Damon. I guess if Jeff Bridges weren't a factor, that previous statement wouldn't be much of a compliment.

7. Toy Story 3

As you'll see, this isn't my favorite animated movie for the year (and yes, I saw more than one animated picture this year, don't hate), but it's still damn good. The last 15 minutes make me a blubbering wreck everytime. Well, I only saw the film once so I'm sort of speculating about the "everytime" part of that last sentence. But I'd guess it's true.

6. Inception

Love this movie, and not just because I've turned its title into a verb about getting drunk off of margaritas (inquire within for details).

5. The Social Network

Is it weird that my favorite aspects of this film are the score and editing? It may not have won Best Picture at the Oscars...and it isn't really winning Best Picture here, but I'm sure it'll be known in 100 years as "the movie that Jesse Eisenberg, the star of the culturally significant Zombieland, made later in order to act like himself for two hours."

4. How to Train Your Dragon

This is my favorite animated movie of the year. Sure, it's not as well-animated as Toy Story 3, the story isn't as well-written, and the voice acting is a little off...but somehow this story manages to transcend all of these setbacks to create something magical. Watch it and try not to cry a whole bunch.

3. 127 Hours

Make sure you're armed (HA) with fortitude before you see this film. But it's totally worth it. You'll probably like it even more if you have a fetish for drinking pee. But seriously, see it.

2. Winter's Bone

Aside from the "teehee" factor associated with the title, this movie is damn good. Plus the title.

1. Black Swan

Aside from loving this film like whoa, it's given me license to run around my office yelling, "GET IN TOUCH WITH YOUR BLACK SWAN," and "IT'S MY TURN." You'd be surprised how versatile those quotes are.

Worst movie of the year:

Sex and the City 2. Just read my full review. Jesus.

Country Strong. How can I like the music so much and think the film is so bad? I don't get it.

I wish I had more examples...but I actually liked The Other Guys, Burlesque was entertaining even though it was ridiculous, and I can't legitimately list the King's Speech here because it's objectively a solid film. Luckily, Sex and the City 2 is so awful that it makes up for all of these flaws. Country Strong isn't nearly as awful, but it still sucks dog turds.

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